The Contact Us link on the Admin dashboard is only available to users with the Administrator role. The purpose of this item is to facilitate the Administrator in contacting Unanet should they require additional support.
This menu item links to the Contact Us page on the Unanet world wide web site.
The Unanet Customer Service team is working to answer customer calls and e-mails as soon as possible. In order to make the support process as efficient as possible it is highly appreciated if answers to the questions below are available prior to reporting the issue.
What version of Unanet are you running?
What is your client and server Operating System / version?
What is your Database Platform / version?
Which OS and DB Service Packs might be installed?
What is the Platform of your Web Server?
What version of Tomcat (or servlet engine) are you running?
What is your Web Browser and what version is it?
Can you access Unanet from the Hosting Server?
Can we access your Web Server from here? Can you give us access?
Could there be any Firewall or Security issues at the site you are referring to?
What Speed of Line, what Memory and what CPU do you have?
What function were you trying to perform when the error occurred?
What other administration problems do you have?
What can you get done currently?
Is this happening to more than one machine?
Can you reproduce the issue for other users/project?
Can you reproduce the issue from another machine?
Collecting additional error details......
It is also very helpful if the "About" page on the Help menu is saved as html and included in any e-mail (Administrators can also click the "Send to Unanet" button to forward this information directly to Unanet Customer Service).
You can collect additional information if an error does occur. Right click on the page where it happens, not on the green menu, or the banner. An option will pop up that says "view source". Click on view source, and in the IE browser, a text editor, such as notepad will appear with html code inside. In the Firefox browser, a new browser will appear with all html code. For IE, in the notepad application, go to "file", "save as". Save this with any name you would like, giving it a .html extension, for example, "error.html". For the Firefox browser, you will have to highlight all the text, copy it into a text editor, and do the same to save as above. Then, send us this saved html file. With this, we can look at it and possibly see where the error occurred.
Troubleshooting and Logging
Check out the information at the following link in our documentation that further describes Troubleshooting and Logging. The servlet engine logs will contain additional details about your system activities.
Support issues should be sent to your local support point of contact -- or -- to the Unanet Customer Service team.