Forecast - Set Active Plan Sets

The Set Active Plan Sets screen can be used to designate a specified plan set to be the active plan set for one or multiple projects.   Several options exist with respect to which projects to include and which plan set is to be made active.    

Plan Sets can also be made active on a project by project basis via the Project >> Plan Set List screen.



This screen is available to users having any of the following roles:  Administrator, P&R Administrator, Project Manager, and Project Lead (and Alternates) if the following property is enabled: Allow Project Leads to Access Project Plan Sets (unasource.projectleads.allow_project_plansets).


This screen is available with the Project Portfolio family of licenses, and will only appear if the Plan Set  feature has been enabled.


Topics covered on this help page include:


You may also be interested in:

Searching Plan Sets:

Using the Search / List screens, you can narrow down the list of plan sets that you would like to set active.    

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):


Listing Plan Sets:

The filtered (or complete) list of plan sets may resemble the following example.  Using the available check boxes, you can specify which plan set entries you would like to make active.    Whether or not a particular plan set has previously been locked, it can still be designated the active plan set.  Checking the check box at the top of the check box column will toggle all check boxes on / off.

For each project included in the list, the Version column will display the current highest version number for the specified Plan Set Name.  If no plan set version exists, the Version column will be empty.


Once the desired rows have been selected, clicking the "Set Active" button will initiate the process. You must select at least one plan set in order to initiate the process.   The process will set the highest available version of the specified plan set to be 'active'.  If no plan set exists, an empty plan set have v1 will be created).


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):


  • Project

  • Currently Active Plan Set

    • Plan Set

    • Version    (highest version for the plan set, empty if none exist)

    • Description

    • Locked    (note locked plan sets can still be designated as the active plan set)



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