Reports - Project Accounting - SPI/CPI Line Chart


This chart can be run to provide a graphical representation of project / task SPI (Schedule Performance Index) and/or CPI (Cost Performance Index) information in a weekly, monthly or yearly interval.  


Note that any unit of work with a %Complete > 0 has an earned value forever, unless there is a budget snapshot entry that states that the unit of work has a %Complete that is zero  or calculates as a %Complete that is zero.


Click Through for Details

This chart does not currently support any click through capabilities.


This report is available to users having any of the following roles:  Administrator, P&R Administrator, and the following Project Administrator roles (Project Manager, Project Viewer, Project Lead, Project Approver, or Resource Requestor) that also have one of the following roles: Bill Rate Manager or Cost Rate Manager.


This report is available with the Project Portfolio family of licenses.


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