The Reference Reports Dashboard provides a number of navigational links, summary information, helpful tips and more. The various sections and options that may appear are associated with each user's roles. This listing may include both Reports and Charts. Below is an example dashboard screen with a description of the various items that may be included.
Unanet has a powerful assortment of built-in reference reports. The reference reports menu will contain a variety of reports which users will have access to based on which Unanet products are installed and which roles a users has.
The Reference reports Dashboard is available to users having the following roles: Administrator, P&R Administrator, HR Administrator, Manager, Viewer, Project Manager, Project Lead, Project Approver, Project Viewer, Resource Requestor, AR Viewer, AP Viewer, GL Viewer, and GL Budget Manager (and alternates for those roles supporting alternates).
Each report has a selection criteria page where you can specify what data you would like to include in the output. If you run certain reports with similar selection criteria you can save this criteria and either recall it on the selection criteria screen for further editing or even launch it directly from the Quick Links section available on various dashboard screens. See Saved Reports for more information.
Click on the links below to learn more about specific reports.
In the above Report Dashboard menu, the T, E, P or F reflect which reports are available depending on the edition of Unanet you have installed. If there is no value noted, then the report is available in all editions.
Items followed by a (T) will only be available if you have the Time functionality (included with Project Time, Project Tracking or Project Portfolio licenses).
Items followed by a (E) will only be available if you have the Expense functionality (included with Project Expense, Project Tracking or Project Portfolio licenses).
Items followed by a (T&E) will only be available if you have both the Time and Expense functionality (included with Project Tracking or Project Portfolio licenses).
Items followed by a (P) will only be available if you have the People/Planning functionality (Project Portfolio license).
Items followed by a (F) will only be available if you have the Financial Accounting functionality (Project Tracking Financials or Project Portfolio Financials licenses).
See the Features by License for more information about the various functionality available with each Unanet edition.