Fixed Assets - List

Note: Fixed Asset functionality is for cloud customers only.


The List Fixed Assets screen is used to view, add, edit, and delete fixed assets.  You can also view depreciation schedules for assets.

The export to CSV feature allows you to supply information to auditors or make mass edits.



This screen is available to users having any of the following roles: Administrator, GL Poster, or GL User.



This screen is available with the Project Financials family of Unanet licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:



You may also be interested in:



From this screen, you can use the available icons to search, add, edit, or delete fixed assets. Administrators can see assets for all legal entities. GL Users and GL Posters can see assets for legal entities to which they have financial organization access (see Organization Access).

The resulting list will resemble the following example.

Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):  



Note: See the Add section for the other field descriptions.

Note: You cannot delete an asset if there are posted depreciation journal transactions for that asset.



Click on the Search icon - - to filter the list of assets.


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



Note: When you start typing in the drop down fields, the list will narrow to the selections matching what you typed.



Click on +Add Asset to add a new fixed asset.


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):


* indicates required field






Click on a line from the Fixed Assets List page to view an asset.


Screen Controls


Details Tab

Displays General Information, Depreciation Information, GL Information, Locations, and User Defined Fields.


Depreciation Schedule Tab

Click on this tab to view a depreciation schedule for the asset. This report shows which depreciation transactions have been posted to the General Ledger (GL).

If this is a fully depreciated asset that has not yet been disposed (i.e., useful life = 0), the depreciation schedule will be empty.


The report consists of the following:


The Net Value in the top row of report shows the net value from the most recent posting.


Attachments Tab

Click on the Attachments tab to view and manage attachments.


Screen Controls


Note: The Unanet Administrator may want to suggest guidelines with regards to what types of files may be acceptable to be used as vendor invoice attachments, particularly in the case where receipts are being scanned and saved as a graphics file. Certain graphics file formats are known to result in much larger files sizes than others and you may want to consider suggesting a specific file type to help control the amount of data being stored in your database.  Generally speaking, jpg and gif files tend to be much smaller than tif and png file formats.

To assist with the management of allowable attachment types and size, the administrator can use the following three properties: Maximum Size Allowed for each attachment  (unanet.attachment.max_size), File Extensions that are Not Allowed  (unanet.attachment.invalid_file_extensions) and File Extensions that are allowed  (unanet.attachment.valid_file_extensions). See Unanet Properties for more information.



Click on the edit icon - - from the List page or the Edit button from the View page to edit a fixed asset.

Note: When editing a fixed asset, the following fields cannot be edited if there are posted depreciation journal transactions for the asset. These values directly affect the depreciation amounts:



When editing locations:


You can also add new locations (select a Location from the drop down, enter a Start Date, and click +Add), and delete locations.



Click on Dispose at the top right side of the screen to dispose of the asset. You will see the following popup:


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information):



While the disposal is in Pending status, you can still edit the disposal method and disposal date.

Disposals posted to the General Ledger cannot be edited without first unposting the asset via the Fixed Assets Unpost process.

Click on Remove Disposal at the top right side of the screen to stop disposal of asset.