Fixed Asset Alerts

This screen is displayed when GL Users or GL Posters click on the Fixed Asset Alerts banner from the Fixed Asset Dashboard page. You can also access this page from the Financials >> Fixed Assets >> Alerts menu at the top of the page.


This screen is available to users having the following roles: Administrator, GL User or GL Poster.


This screen is available with the Project Financials family of Unanet licenses.


Topics covered on this help page include:


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Viewing Fixed Asset Alerts

This page will display unread and previously read alerts. Alerts that successfully resulted in the creation of a Fixed Asset will include a hyperlink to the Fixed Asset view page. The alerts show the account code, amount of the transaction, document type, and document number.


Field Descriptions (click on a link below for additional information)



When are alerts triggered?

Alerts are generated when new transactions are recorded into a Fixed Asset account from any source.

Any posted, non-voided financial transaction against a Fixed Asset account (based upon posting group logic) can trigger alerts, such as the following:


Creating Fixed Assets from Transactions

Click on the plus icon - - to create a fixed asset from the transaction. This action is available for read and unread alerts (unread will automatically be moved to Previously Read Alerts section). This will take you to the Add New Asset page.

You can click the icon multiple times to create additional fixed assets from the same alert. For example, you might have an acquisition transaction for $1000 representing two laptops. Each laptop will need to be represented, depreciated, and tracked as a single fixed asset.


The values in the add asset screen default as follows:

Note: If the same account is mapped to multiple asset classes, the class will not be defaulted. The user can choose a class.